
writing a 2 week notice letter

writing a resignation letter

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One of the most important steps in resigning gracefully is to write a professional two weeks notice letter.

So, you've decided to quit? Congratulations!

There are countless reasons to leave a company:

  • You're relocating.
  • You found a better job.
  • You're one of the majority of Americans who are unhappy with their job.

Whatever your reasons, this is a big decision! Now that the decision has been made, it's time to leave the company with grace and character.

Why does this even matter?

References. A good reference can be the deciding factor in either hiring or eliminating you for a new job opportunity.

You need to nail this two weeks notice letter for two big reasons:

  1. It will influence the reference your employer gives you.
  2. It will be permanently kept in your employee file.

While this may seem daunting, it's actually quite simple to write a professional two weeks notice letter:

Step #1: Follow our 10 Proven Tips to Professionally Resign (preparing to resign will help you write your actual two week resignation letter).

Step #2: Create your own notice letter using one of our customizable templates.

3 Two Weeks Notice Letter Templates (+10 Proven Resignation Tips)

I mentioned this above, but because it's so important I want to mention it again:

After taking time to prepare to resign, actually writing your two weeks notice letter will be a lot easier.

While I don't recommend it, if you want to skip to the templates, use the table of contents below:


10 Proven Tips to Professionally Resign

Below, I list 10 proven tips that apply to just about any job within any industry. They're broken down into two parts:

  • How to Resign Gracefully (6 Tips), and
  • How to Write a Two Weeks Notice Letter Professionally (4 Tips)

How to Gracefully Resign (6 Tips)

how to give two weeks notice comp

via: Bigstockphoto / Wavebreak Media Ltd

1. Check your contract

Remember the employment contract you signed when you were first hired? Well, there's a clause in that contract that states the amount of notice you're required to give before leaving your company.

It will likely be one of two things:

  1. An amount of time—2 weeks, 1 month, 6 months, etc.
  2. "At Will"— meaning you're not required to give notice.

Even with an At Will employment agreement, you should always give at least two weeks notice.

2. Give more notice than your contract requires

The more time you give your company, the better.


Put yourself in your boss' shoes.:

Not only do they need to find someone to replace you...

...they also need to train the new hire.

As a rule of thumb, I like to add two weeks to what's expected. So, if my employment contract requires 2 weeks notice, I give 4.

Your company may not take you up on the offer, but they'll definitely appreciate it.

3. Resign and give two weeks notice letter in-person first

It's become far too easy to hide behind technology in uncomfortable situations.

Quitting in person will show that:

  1. You respect your employer
  2. You're a man (or woman) of character and professionalism

If possible, always quit in person.

If you work remotely or are unable to quit in person for some other reason, quit over the phone. Never give notice through email.

4. Resign and give notice to your boss first

No one likes being blind-sided. If your boss hears through the grapevine that you're leaving the company, they'll definitely be angry or upset.

Remember, future job references will likely come from your boss...

... so do your best to keep them happy.

Tell your boss you're leaving before you talk about it with any coworkers.

5. Prepare for the talk

The "I quit" talk.

I think we can all agree that it's never a fun conversation. To make it easier on you, get prepared by putting together the following:

An intro

Keep it short and sweet. Something like, "I've truly enjoyed working here, but an opportunity has presented itself that I have decided to accept."

Responses to potential questions

Chances are, there will be some sort of conversation after you give your resignation.

Some questions that might come up:

  • Are you willing to stay if we offer you more money? More time off? A different role? If they exist, define what circumstances you'd need in order to stay at your current company.
  • What's your transition plan? Have a clear plan outlined to help your company cover your current responsibilities and to tie up any loose ends.

Based on your unique situation, brainstorm any other questions that might come up.

A closing

Like your intro, write a concise closing. Say thank you, and let them know that you appreciate everything that they've done for you.

Oh, and don't do this...

6. Present your formal two weeks notice letter

After you deliver your closing line above to your boss, present them with your formal two week resignation letter.

One of three things will happen here:

  1. Your boss will accept it and you're done.
  2. Your boss will pass it along to the proper department and you're done.
  3. Your boss will tell you where you need to take it.

Regardless, you'll get the answer you need.

As an added benefit, writing this letter shows your boss you were thoughtful enough to write one in the first place.

How to Write a Two Weeks Notice Letter Professionally (4 Tips)

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via: Unsplash / Burst

Here are the best 4 tips how to write a two weeks notice:

1. Keep it short and sweet

The point of this letter is to formally resign and put in your notice.

If you want to go into the "why," do it during the in-person "I quit" meeting.

Your letter should stick to the facts (outlined in the next step).

2. Keep to the facts

How to write a two weeks notice letter? Here are 5 important facts that you need to include in your 2 weeks notice letter:

  1. State that you're resigning from the company.This will be your opening sentence.
  2. Declare the formal notice period that you're giving. Base this number off of tip #2 above. It could be 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, etc.
  3. Include your last day of work.If you state the day, it reduces the risk of confusion.
  4. Express your desire to facilitate the transition process. Offer to help find and train someone to replace you.
  5. Add a sincere thank you. This could be for the work experience, the skills they taught you, or even just the employment opportunity.

Nothing more, nothing less.

As you'll see below, each one of these is included in our customizable templates below.

3. Keep it positive

This is the most important part of knowing how to write a two weeks notice letter.

In every job, there are things we don't like: you weren't mentally stimulated, you weren't appreciated, you had to deal with a terrible co-worker.

Your two week resignation letter isn't the place for you to vent.

Remember, this will be stored permanently in your employment file.

4. Sign and date it

This is vital.

Signing your letter:

  1. Makes it a formal notice.
  2. Is a sign of respect to your company and boss.

It closes the letter properly and adds that final, professional touch.

3 Highly Professional Two Weeks Notice Letter Templates

Free Customizable Bonus: Download all 3 free two weeks notice letter templates. Each of these templates is fully customizable to fit your unique situation and needs.

Below are 3 great templates for you to use for your 2 weeks notice letter.

They were designed using our 10 proven tips from above.

They're short and sweet. They're positive. They include nothing but the facts. They're well thought out, highly professional templates.

With that said, they are templates.

It's impossible to make a one-size-fits-all template that doesn't require some tweaking.

Think about it:

Each job is different. Each resignation scenario is different. Each company is different.

Still, these templates will give you a solid starting point and shouldn't require too much adaptation.

When you adapt one of these templates to fit your specific needs, be sure to maintain the 5 tips from the "how to write a 2 weeks notice letter" above.

New Opportunity (Job) Template

[Supervisor's Name]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[Today's Date]

Dear Mr./Ms. [Supervisor's Last Name]:

The purpose of this letter is to give two weeks notice of my resignation from [Company Name]. My final day will be [Two Weeks from Today's Date].

It has been a pleasure working at [Company Name], however, another opportunity has presented itself that I have decided to accept.

I will complete my time here with the same diligence and dedication that you have come to expect from me. I am happy to help train my replacement or facilitate the transition process in any other way possible.

Thank you for the opportunity and professional experience that you have given me. I wish the best for both you and the company.


[Your Signature]

[Your Typed Name]

new opportunity two weeks notice letter template comp

via: Mantelligence

Relocation Template

[Supervisor's Name]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[Today's Date]

Dear Mr./Ms. [Supervisor's Last Name]:

I regret to inform you that effective two weeks from the date printed above, I am resigning from [Company Name].

Working at [Company Name] has been a deeply rewarding experience, however, I am relocating to [Insert Location].

I truly appreciate the work opportunity that you have given me, and I wish both you and the company the best in all future endeavors.

I am happy to assist you in the process of finding and training my replacement, or in helping with the transition process in any other way possible.


[Your Signature]

[Your Typed Name]

relocation two weeks notice letter template comp

via: Mantelligence

Vague Template

[Supervisor's Name]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[Today's Date]

Dear Mr./Ms. [Supervisor's Last Name]:

Please accept this letter as a two week notice of my resignation from [Company Name]. My last day will be [Two Weeks from Today's Date].

This was a difficult decision to make. The past [Years Worked at Company] working at [Company Name] have been both rewarding and fulfilling.

I truly appreciate the opportunities that you have provided me with at the company, and I am happy to facilitate the transition process in any way.

I wish both you and the company the best moving forward.


[Your Signature]

[Your Typed Name]

vague two weeks notice letter template comp

via: Mantelligence

In Conclusion

Using a well-written two weeks notice letter and delivering it in a professional manner is very important to your career. Why is that?

References. References. References.

Writing a two week resignation letter might seem daunting, but it's not.

Combine our proven tips on how to write a two weeks notice letter with one of our customizable templates et voilĂ ...a knockout resignation…and a big step towards a positive reference.

Please Note

Any tips, sample, examples or templates provided are for guidance only. The information provided, including the tips, samples, example and templates, is not guaranteed for legality or accuracy. Letters should be edited to suit your personal needs and situation.

Photos Courtesy of

StartupStockPhotos | n/a | UnripeContent

writing a 2 week notice letter


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